Colorado Palestine Solidarity Campaign News

Colorado Palestine Solidarity Campaign News

March 28, 2007

Progressive Democrats launch new website about Palestine

PDA Launches Website to Foster Debate on U.S. Israel/Palestine Policy

Inspired by journalist Nicholas Kristof’s March 18, 2007 column in the New York Times regarding the need to discuss and debate US policy towards Israel, PDA has launched a new web site demanding that Senators Obama, Edwards, and Clinton, Vice President Gore, and all other Democratic Party candidates stand up for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine, even when it requires standing up to the “Israel Right-or-Wrong” Lobby and the lobby's friends inside the Democratic Party.This new web site - - is helping to break the silence on behalf of Democratic Party activists and others disturbed by the absence of any meaningful debate on Israel policies among their Party’s leaders. PDA is the only national group of Democrats to openly break ranks with AIPAC and the “Israel Right-or-Wrong” Lobby over US policy towards Israel and Palestine, and has demanded the US adopt an evenhanded policy in the Middle East in contrast to both President Bush and Democratic Party leadership.

You can help foster this debate by visiting the web site and also by signing a Petition - Sign the petition! demanding an open debate and review on all levels and by all candidates regarding U.S. policies toward Israel and Palestine.

Read Kristof's article - Talking About Israel.
To participate in a blog about this issue go to The Blog
Read more about PDA's position on Israel/Palestine.

Colorado Jews say NO! to war on Iran

Don't do it. Don't Attack Iran
Rocky Mountain News - Click Here for Link
Thursday, March 1 at 12:01 AM

Statement of a Group of Colorado Jews

We, the undersigned, all Colorado Jews, are worried about a U.S. and/or Israeli attack on Iran.

The military components for such an attack have been put in place over the past six months. We, who only a few generations ago, witnessed our families in Europe turned into ashes in Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Sachenhausen, look with unparalleled horror at the prospect of either the US or Israel using tactical nuclear weapons. We fear the consequences of such a strike could trigger a wider regional conflict, with the shadow - the genuine possibility - of world war in the offing.

The ratcheting up of anti-Iranian rhetoric in the media, the spreading of half -truths about the nature of the Iranian regime, its role in Iraq, the disinformation campaign about its plans to develop nuclear energy - all are reminiscent of the build-up to the -invasion and occupation of Iraq. Recent position papers from rightwing think-tanks suggest that Iran be dissolved into some kind of federated state -- a scheme suspiciously similar to the emerging re-division of Iraq into ethno-religious enclaves, a form of divide-and-rule to more easily control oil production.

We also know, sadly, that the forces pushing for a military confrontation include some major American Jewish organizations - AIPAC, the ADL and the AJC among them, all of whom have lobbied hard with the neo-cons in power for yet another war. For many years, these same groups echoed the US and Israeli governments' support for the Shah of Iran as a foil against Arab countries like Iraq in the era before the Islamic revolution in Iran.

In the same way that most opponents of the current war in Iraq never supported Saddam Hussein's repressive regime (while US governments did for decades), we are not defenders or supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which also enjoyed the military backing of the US during the war Saddam launched in the 1980s. We abhor its current president's purposely provocative statements to deny the Holocaust. Despite his fiery anti-Israeli rhetoric, we note that Iran has not attacked any of its neighbors for 200 years and has shown no intention of changing course. Nor is there as yet any evidence that it is building nuclear weapons.

Rationally, a war against Iran makes no sense - except to line the pockets of war-profiteers and Big Oil at the expense of the rest of us.

The US is bogged down in a losing and morally repugnant war in Iraq. The November, 2006 elections were a clear signal that the people of this country have had enough of Bush's War. Although it failed to address the central question of the US military occupation the bipartisan Iraq Study Group Report issued in December of last year, acknowledged the failure of the neo-con strategy. Yet the ruling elite wants to expand that blunder by preparing to attack Iran.

Nor does such a war make sense for Israel, bogged down after 40 years' occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, unable to find a formula to equitably share land and resources with the Palestinians. We are convinced that Israel's future is made less - not more - secure by its military imposition of one-sided division of the spoils of war. In the end, Israel's security can only come by normalizing its relations with its neighbors. It cannot do that until its resolves the Palestinian question. Launching a war against Iran will further endanger Israeli security, not guarantee it.

We consider an attack on Iran, disguised as a "pre-emptive" war or a fabricated provocation, as criminally insane, its consequences predictably inhumane. The massive bombing campaign now off the drawing board and in the works, no matter how "precision-guided", will kill thousands of civilians. A US-Israeli attack could destroy Iran as a nation and a civilization.

While we do not underestimate the difficulties of negotiating with Iran, we call on our government and the government of Israel to stop this march to war and to enter into negotiations with Iran to freeze and reverse the nuclearization of the Middle East and to address all other outstanding issues without preconditions. Both Israel and Iran have to accept each other's existence.

We call on all people, in the Jewish Community and beyond, to help stop this terrifying drive for war. War is not the answer.

Don't do it. Don't Attack Iran

Signed by: Mark Belkin - Lakewood Field Director, American Federation of Teachers, Colorado; Ira Chernus - Boulder; Alan Gilbert - Conifer John Evans Professor. Grad School of Intrntnl Studies, DU; Denny Linn - Vail; Sheila Linn - Vail; Leslie Lomas - Boulder; Rob Prince - Denver; Vicki Rottman - Denver; Juliet Wittman - Boulder; Evan Weismann - Denver

Lots of new video from Palestine for distribution

West Bank Update - Please Distribute Widely - March 24, 2007

Hello from Palestine,

Since the beginning of the year, we have been working to establish a direct link between American classrooms and the West Bank of Palestine. By producing documentary films and facilitating live video conferences between Palestinian and American students, we hope to shed light on the realities of life under Occupation. In the coming weeks, we will be sending newsletters like this one to catch everyone up on our last several months here. Below are links to three short films about the recent Israeli invasion into Nablus, dubbed "Operation Hot Winter." Please visit our website and blog for more from RJI.

Operation "Hot Winter" - Feb 25
Soldiers in the Old City of Nablus
Feb. 25, 2007 - Ma'an News Agency- Israeli occupation forces initiated a huge operation in Nablus, in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, considered to be the biggest operation there in two years. Ma'an's correspondent reported that more than 60 Israeli military vehicles and several bulldozers entered the city and imposed curfew. Click picture to download the video from RJI.

Operation "Hot Winter" - Feb 26
Soldiers in the Old City of Nablus
Israeli Military vehicles, accompanied by bulldozers, moved into Nablus on Feb 25 and imposed a city-wide curfew. IOF soldiers transformed a number of civilian homes into military bases and bulldozers divided Nablus in half by placing sand barriers and cement blocks on the main access roads into the city. Click picture to download the video from RJI.

Operation "Hot Winter" - Feb 28
Israeli bulldozer in the Old City of Nablus
After temporarily withdrawing part of their troops from Nablus, the Isrsaeli Occupation Forces (IOF) re-invaded the city around 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning, February 28, 2007. Since then, the IOF have resumed their operation in the Old City and the Ras al-Ein area right above it. Click on the picture to download the video from RJI

The Research Journalism Initiative is dedicated to changing the way students learn about socio-economic, religious and geopolitical conflict by providing students a direct link to regions of conflict abroad. RJI volunteers living in the West Bank produce video documentaries and facilitate live video conferences between Palestinians and high school students in the United States in order to encourage dialogue and present Palestinian points of view in American classrooms. RJI is a non-profit organization funded entirely by individual donations and our own savings; please consider supporting our work by making a contribution.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mark Turner
Research Journalism Initiative

Support Our Efforts - Children in Balata Camp
At this time, RJI is requesting donations to defer the costs of living, travel, internet access and production equipment. If you have the means, a contribution is a very direct way to affect change and work toward a better future here. All donations support our volunteers in the West Bank and enable us to continue producing quality, unique content about the realities of life under occupation. Any amount will make a real difference. Click HERE to make a donation.

RJI Homepage - Click Here
RJI Films - Click Here
RJI Blog - Click Here
RJI Contact - Click Here