The Colorado Palestine Solidarity Campaign's reaction to the Colorado General Assembly's decision to endorse Israeli mass murder.
After the recent decision of the Colorado General Assembly’s Executive Committee to endorse a radically anti-peace resolution supporting Israeli war crimes in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, the CPSC has decided to keep this waste of Colorado tax dollars on the agenda.
At the time of the announcement, members of the members of CPSC and other organizations chose to protest the press conference, significantly outnumbering the resolution’s supporters and leading to a rather awkward situation for the legislators present. After this, there were some exchanges on the issue in the newspapers and some private meetings, but that appeared to be the end of it.
The CPSC disagrees that this should be the end of the matter and believes that, as we go into the election season, many Colorado voters would like to know how their legislators are wasting Colorado tax dollars taking positions on foreign conflicts that they have no influence on. Therefore, we have launched six informational websites, one for each member of the Executive Committee, detailing this foray of the Executive Committee into international politics. If any of the legislators are willing to publicly repudiate their open support for mass murder, open support for violating international humanitarian law, open support for Israeli violations of U.S. law by renouncing their support for this resolution, we will be more than happy to take down that legislator’s page and freely donate the domain to his or her campaign for their own use.
The sites:
Sen. Andy McElhany:
Sen. Ken Gordon:
Sen. Joan Fitz-Gerald:
Rep. Mike May:
Rep. Andrew Romanoff:
Rep. Alice Madden:
Please encourage our representatives to stop wasting our
If you support what we’re doing, please place links on your blogs, websites, and so on.
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